beagle software

Application Reference

Contact Form

This form is the home screen in CallWatch. The Contact form contains the contact management fields and menus for all CallWatch functions including calling and reporting functions.

Name Section

      ID  ID for this name (system generated).
      First Name  Person's first name. 
      MI  Middle Initial.

      Last Name  Person's last name (and suffix if any)
      Title  Job title or blank.
      Business Name Business name or blank.
      Department Department, agency or division.

      Street  Complete street address (number and street).
      City  City name.
      St  State, County or Province
      Zip code  Zip or Postal code (alphanumeric).
      Country  Country name.

Phone Section

Home telephone number. Pressing the button calls the home number.


Business telephone number. Pressing the button calls the business number. Number can included extension number, designated with 'x-'. CallWatch pauses before dialing the extension.


Fax number.


Contact's web address. Pressing button will open the web page in the default web browser.


Complete E-mail address.
Auto addressing: If you have your web browser enabled for e-mail the E-mail button will start the browser and open up an e-mail message addressed with the e-mail field. (function is also accessible from the Tools->Email menu)

Hint:  Phone numbers can include commas ',' to pause during dialing. Telephone extensions and auto attendants can use  x-<extension> where 'x-'  causes the dialing to pause 2 seconds before dialing the number of the extension.