Comments Section
Comments /Contacts
Notes, significant others, misc. info. Use the scroll bar to see additional information in this field.
Check if contact is a friend.
Business Relationship
Check if a business contact. Used to determine which number to call. Note: CallWatch defaults to call business contacts at work and friends at home.
Neither a friend or business relationship.
Database Section
Slide control
Advance through all names selected by the search query.
Open the Search form. Used to do a keyword search for names or strings.
To add a new name to the contact database. CallWatch assigns a new ID number an presents a blank form after pressing the Add button.
To update changes made to the current contact.
Note: Updates occur automatically when the contact navigation bar (arrows on either end) is used to move through records. Changes made to individual contact records will be saved before displaying the next contact.
To permanently delete the current contact from the CallWatch database.
To Exit CallWatch, closing all forms and contact database.
Note: Deleting or updating contacts is a permanent action and cannot be undone.