Menus on the Contact Form
The following menus are found on the main screen, provides access to other forms and options in the CallWatch application. The following outline shows the arrangement of the menu selections.
Import external files for database updates.
Contacts from Outlook Opens the Import Contacts form
Long Distance Rates Opens the Import Rates form
Print Prints the current contact record on the printer selected.
Exit Quits program.
Actions on the current contact record.
Add Add a new contact
Delete Delete the current contact.
Update Update the current contact.
Search Open up the search form.
Mailing Label Copies full name and address to the clipboard
for pasting into applications.
E Mail Copies e-mail address to the clipboard
Phone Numbers Copies phone numbers into the clipboard.
Settings for CallWatch options.
Dialing Options and settings for dialing telephone numbers
Long Distance Long distance dialing parameters.
Display CallWatch program display options
Database CallWatch database.
Modem Settings Configure modem for dialing phone numbers.