Make calls, review call records, call cost and call charges.
Dial ... Dial the phone number.
Past Calls view the past calls for this contact.
Long Distance Summary view summary/detail of all long
distance calling.
Other contact tools.
Opens up the browser e-mail screen
addressed to the e-mail address in the contact record.
URL Opens up the web browser to the URL in the
contact record.
Area Codes View/edit the area code table.
Country Codes View/edit the area code table.
Rate Administration Administer the rates for long distance
Registration, product updates, web access and on-line help.
Help Topics
Displays a list of help topics.
Search the help system for a key word or topic
Using Help
How to use help.
Opens the tip of the day Tip Screen
Beagle Software Web Site
Opens a web browser (if available) which opens Beagle Software's home page.
Register… (Evaluation version)
Opens the main Registration Screen, which explains registration options.
Upgrade Software
Opens a web browser (if available) which opens the SlideShow software update page. This page contains information about the most current version of SlideShow and the options to upgrade.
Displays version, system and program copyright information.