CallWatch User's Guide

Note: If you have trouble dialing out double check that the modem is connected to the modem port selected. Other devices such as mice and printers can also be connected to serial port and give confusing error messages when treated as a modem. For more information about configuring your modem to work with CallWatch see the User Guide

Call Buttons


Dial number now. If a toll call, pressing this button starts the carrier selection sequence that chooses the long distance carrier and presents the choices to you (see Long Distance tab under Options menu). The number is dialed using the modem on the COM port selected on the form. The timer appears to show the time elapsed (in red numbers) for the call.


Switch from the modem dialer to phone handset. Once dialing is complete, lift the phone handset connected through the modem and press the 'Talk' button to switch from the modem to the telephone (connected to the Phone port in the modem). This begins the regular conversation. Once in the talk mode the modem no longer has control of the call.

      Hang Up

Hang up modem dialer.  If currently talking will not hang up the phone, but notes an end to the conversation used in logging and billing calculations.  If you forget to press the Hang Up button then the call will be logged as done when closing the form.

      Past Calls

Review all saved past calls for this contact in the Past Calls form.

      Call Comments

Notes for this call. Enter whatever text you want to save about the call for later review in the call log.

      Time Start Time the call started (when the Dial
  button was pressed.)

      Time Stop Time call stopped (generated when
  the Hang Up button was pressed.)