Choose Carrier
This form lets you choose the specific carrier to use for the call about to be dialed. It offers a list of carriers for the type and time of the call and sorts them in the order chosen. Click on the carrier desired in the list to place the call.
Carrier List A list to compare companies and rates for this call
Column Headings-
Access Code: Dial access code used to access carrier.
Carrier: Name of long distance company.
Program: Name of specific calling program.
Charges: Total dollar charges for this program.
Ttl Min: Total number of minutes billed so far for
this calling program.
Comments: Program comments.
ID: Unique identifier for calling program.
Note: The sort criteria for ordering carriers is selected in the Long Distance Tab of the Options form.
Opens the Change Type/Time form which allows users to override the call type and/or call time and choose another call time period of reclassify the type of call from, say, a domestic to an international call.
Use the selected carrier and place the call.
Close form.