Past Calls
This form shows all call records made to the contact shown in the main screen that were saved. A blank screen indicates that no calls have been saved for this contact.
First, Last Name
First and last name from call log.
Name ID from main contact screen.
Company name.
Call Grid
Shows a list of all past calls saved for this ID.
Each row contains a past call record.
Columns in Grid:
ID: Call ID of call.
Comments: Comments entered for call.
Start: Date and time call was Dialed/Started.
Stop: Date and time call was Hung Up or closed.
Contact: Actual person contacted for this call.
Number: Actual number dialed for this call.
View all calls for all contacts in the CallWatch database. The contact navigation control appears after pressing the 'All' button. Use this control to move through all calls in the contact database.
Update the current record in grid. Comments, contact name and number can be updated.
Delete the current record in grid.
Close this screen and return to previous.