This form presents the user selectable settings used to run CallWatch. The options are divided into 4 sections: Dialing, Long Distance, Display and Database.
Dialing Tab
Dialing Prefixes:
Number to dial before making a local call. Enter the number you need to dial before placing a local call on your phone system or PBX.
Number to dial before making a long distance call (typically '1')
Number to dial before calling internationally (typically '011').
Local Settings:
Area code from where you're calling.
Area code from where you're calling (i.e. '612')
Home State
Full state name from where you're calling (i.e. 'Minnesota'). This name is used to determine if the toll call is within your home state.
Home Location
Location identifier used for rate tables. The location identifies what geographical area you are calling from.
This is a number that CallWatch uses when you have multiple locations installed in your rate database.
In most cases this number should be left to the factory default value.
Minimum Call Length
Length of time to wait to determine if call has gone through. Calls that don't meet this threshold are considered incomplete and are not saved in the cost log. Set this time to the minimum time it takes to dial the call and wait for someone to answer. Default value, 10 seconds.