Rate Administration Wizard
This wizard pops up when you press the "New" button on the Rate Administration screen. It provides a fast way to enter the types of calls that can be made with the new long distance company and the rates that they charge for the time of day and day of week. The wizard is made up of a series of rows of call type (local, toll etc) and columns where the cost per minute can be entered.
Where the call is being made to (local, within home state, etc) See list of call types Check the box if the new carrier will be used for calling this call type. If you don't want to use the carrier for this type of call (i.e. local calls), uncheck the box.
Once you check a call type you can enter the call rate based on the time of day and the day of week the call is being made. See list of call times for information about calling times. Enter the cost per minute (in cents) when a call is placed at that time. If the carrier does not have a special rate for the time of week specified, enter the regular rate that would apply. You can edit the rate later in the Rate Administration screen if you don't know or make a mistake.
Hint: After putting a rate in the 1st rate column (Week Day) the rate will fill all the rest of the rate columns in the row when you go to the next row. This is most often the case for calling programs with one rate toll calls.
The location identifies what geographical area you are calling from. It has a default value from the options screen and generally should not be changed.
Creates the rate grid in the Rate Administration form.
Discards any new rates and returns to Rate Administration.