Area Codes
The area code form lets you view and edit the table of area codes used by CallWatch. Area codes are used to determine the type of call you are making - whether the call is being made within your home state or to another state. Search capability lets you find which area code goes with which state (and visa versa).
Area Code
3 digit area code for the state or region
Location identifier used by CallWatch
Full name (no abbreviations) of state or region. If adding a new area code for a state, then the spelling must be the same as the existing area codes for the state.
First, Prev……Next, Last
Moves through the records in the table. Goes to the first record, the record previous to the current one, the next record and the last record in the table, respectively. Records are arranged in numeric order, sorted by area code.
Runs a search of the table with the strings you enter. You can search on any combination of the 3 fields. For example you could find out which state area code '212' is in by entering that in the top field and pressing the 'Find' button or search for all the area codes in California by entering 'California' in the state field and pressing the 'Find' button.
Used to add a new area code to the table. After entering the new information in all 3 fields press the 'Update' button to add the new code. CallWatch checks to see that the area code being added is not already in the database - duplicate records are not allowed.
Delete: Permanently deletes the current area code from the database.
Update: Change any of the 3 fields on the form.
Clear: Clears all fields on the form.
Cancel: Cancels the update or add action.
OK: Closes form and returns to the main CallWatch screen.