E-Mail button
This button starts the local E-mail portion of the Web browser to request an order form from Beagle Software.
Order Form button
Presents an order form from the help system that can be filled out, and mailed, E-mailed or faxed to Beagle Software for software registration.
Returns to the main registration screen.
About Screen
Shows product version and copyright information
OK button
Closes the screen.
System Info
Presents the Microsoft System Information screen, giving information about the system. Microsoft System Information is a basic tool for gathering system configuration information.
Splash Screen
The Splash screen displays product and version information and is displayed only at startup.
Tip Screen
The Tip screen displays the "Tip of the Day" -offering tips in the use of the CallWatch application.
OK button
Closes the screen. This button will save any changes you have made to the Tip screen.
Next Tip button
Shows the next tip from the tip database.
Show Tips at Startup checkbox
Check this box if you want the tips to appear at program startup. This check box also appears under the display tab of the options screen.