CallWatch User's Guide

Can't hear dialing

Modem is not dialing.
Modem is not to have speaker on when dialing.
Modem speaker volume is too low.
Modem has no speaker or speaker is inoperative

Can't talk to person after dialing

Phone not plugged into phone jack of modem.
Modem command string setting for Talk is incorrect.

Cost of call doesn't show in call summary

Call was too short and didn't meet minimum threshold.
Rate for the call was set to 0 cents.
Was not a toll call.
Call was not made under CallWatch control.

Why doesn't CallWatch work with all modems

The modem used is not directly connected to the computer running CallWatch on one of the native serial ports (COM1-COM5)
The modem doesn't understand the Hayes command set.

Registration screen appears at startup

Software has not been yet been registered, registered software will skip the Registration screen.
The Windows System Registry has been altered or corrupted, re-enter the Key Code to re- register.

CallWatch Diagnostic Routine

If you are having problems running CallWatch, you can run CallWatch in the diagnostic mode that provides a trace log to pinpoint problems. The following steps will run CallWatch with the diagnostic trace turned on and allow you to view the trace file. (DebugFile.txt)
1. Exit CallWatch. Restart the help by selecting CallWatch Help from the Program menu under Beagle Software. From the Table of Contents in the help system choose Technical Support/Troubleshooting to bring up this same section.
2. Restart CallWatch in diagnostic mode by pressing the link provided. This can also be done by running CallWatch from the command line with the debug option.
3. Repeat  entry sequence that caused problem or run the application till an error is encountered. Exit the application.
4. View the diagnostic trace by pressing the link provided in the help or viewing the trace file, DebugFile.txt, in Notepad.
5. Check for "ERRORS" or problems in the trace.
6. Contact Beagle Software for assistance in interpreting the trace and pinpointing the problem.