Options Screen The Options screen contains 5 tabs for setting options in the ClockWatch application:
Clock Setting, Display, Server, Logging and Graph (see following description).
OK button Closes the screen. This button will save any changes you have made to the
Cancel button This button cancels the changes you are about to make. Changes made the options will be
gone after pressing this button.
Apply button Apply the changes to the program. Changes in display, graphs will be shown immediately. You can then either undo these changes by pressing the Cancel button or save the changes by pressing the OK button.
Help button Begins on-line help.
Clock Settings Tab This tab allows users to select the mode ClockWatch system will work under. The modes available include, Manual, Once, Daily, Periodic and Auto.
Setting Modes Manual Provides for on demand settings only. Use the Set Time button to make a time setting at any time. The timeserver used will be the one you specify under the Server option tab.
Once Used to schedule a single setting in the future. This date and time of this scheduled setting is shown in the NIST/Time setting display window (middle window).
Daily Used to schedule a setting at the same time once a day. Once specified, ClockWatch will attempt to make a setting each day at that time if the program is running.
Periodic Used to schedule settings with fixed timed intervals between settings. This provides for a setting to be made at a specific time interval - once every hour, 8 hours, 2 days etc.
Auto The program determines when to make the next setting based on the accuracy of previous settings and the accuracy level desired. Using information from the last setting where the clock was changed ClockWatch determines when the next setting needs to occur to maintain the accuracy you've selected. For example if your computer looses time at the rate of 2 minutes per day and the desired accuracy is one minute per day then ClockWatch will make a setting at least* every 12 hours. * Since the rate of loss is not constant for most computers an uncertainty factor is used in making the scheduled time calculation.
Usage Notes: For a setting to be attempted ClockWatch must be running and the computer must be connected to the Internet, unless direct modem connection is used. If ClockWatch is not running at the specified time, then the setting will be made as soon as the program is started. If ClockWatch is not connected to the Internet at the specified time and direct modem connection is not used then the setting will not be made nor will it be rescheduled.
Time loss can be due to factors relating to computer hardware or software. Experience will show which combination of factors result in significant time loss. This information is useful to the user in determining when the next setting will likely be required. Pressing the Set Time button repeatedly over a short duration will cause the NIST to suspend communication with Internet address for a period of time.
Once at.. Contains the date and time of next setting (Once mode).
Every day at.. Contains the time that settings will be made each day (Daily mode).
Make settings every (pull-down menu) Choose the interval of time desired between settings (Periodic mode)
Desired System Accuracy (pull-down menu) When in the
Auto mode, choose the level of accuracy you want ClockWatch to maintain. The Auto mode will use this accuracy value in determining when to make the next setting. The program determines when to make the next setting based on the accuracy of previous settings and the accuracy level specified. Using time drift values from the last clock change ClockWatch determines when the next setting needs to occur.