Auto-Dial ISP Screen (CW Pro, Server) The Auto-Dial Internet service provider option instructs ClockWatch to establish an Internet connection when a clock synchronization needs to be made. With this feature you can select the Internet Service provider ClockWatch will dial to connect to the Internet. This screen allows you choose the dial-up account and test the connection that ClockWatch will use to make a connection to the Internet. This screen is available from Options->Auto-Dial ISP menu from the main ClockWatch screen. When this option is checked ClockWatch will dial the account specified and log-in to the account. ClockWatch will use all the existing dial-up account information including phone number, user name and password. It is important that this information is current and accurate. If already connected to the Internet, ClockWatch will attempt to use the existing connection. Once logged in ClockWatch will synchronize the system clock with the NIST and then take down the Internet connection. Use the Auto-dial ISP option when you want to connect to the NIST over the Internet, use the Direct Modem Connection option when you want to call the NIST directly via modem. Dial ISP first to connect to the Internet: Check this option for ClockWatch to dial your Internet provider whenever there is currently no active connection to the Internet. Name of the dial-up ISP: Name of the Internet Service Provider account on your computer. This is the same name used by Dial-Up Networking (DUN) used in the My Computer->Dial-Up Networking area from the Windows desktop. Check the pull-down menu for a list of the accounts currently set up on the computer. Max sec to wait for connection: Time, in seconds, that ClockWatch will wait to establish an Internet connection. This is the maximum time ClockWatch will wait to dial, have the ISP answer, log in and establish a connection.
Steps for using the Auto-Dial feature 1. Set up an Internet service account through Windows Dial-Up Networking (DUN). Test the account and the connection making sure that the connection can be made without entering a password or username 2. Open the Auto-Dial ISP screen in ClockWatch. 3. Select a DUN account from the pull down menu. 4. Test the DUN account by pressing the Dial ISP button 5. Confirm that the account is dialed, answered and the connection is established. You should see the same regular Windows network connection icon (two networked computers) after the connection is established 6. Drop the connection by pressing the Disconnect button. 7. Check the Dial ISP first to connect to the Internet option. Save the settings (press OK). 8. When ClockWatch is called to do time synchronization, it checks if an Internet connection is established. If it is not then it will dial the DUN network account and then make the clock setting.
Buttons: Dial ISP - Dial the ISP selected and establish an Internet connection. Used for testing the account. Disconnect - Disconnect the current Internet connection. Will only disconnect connections established by ClockWatch. Get Status - Get the current status of the connection. OK - Save changes made and return. Cancel - Cancel any changes made to options and return.
Steps to troubleshoot the Auto-dial connection:
1. Verify the Internet service account through Windows Dial-Up Networking (DUN). Test the account and the connection making sure that the connection can be made without entering a password or username. If the connection is not made then the account needs to be reconfigured from Windows. 2. Open the Auto-Dial ISP screen in ClockWatch. Select the same DUN account from step (1) using the pull down menu. 3 Test the DUN account by pressing the Dial ISP button. This will begin dialing sequence. 4. Confirm that the account is dialed, answered and the connection is established. You should see the same Windows network connection icon (two networked computers) after the connection is established as was observed in step 1. 5. Drop the connection by pressing the Disconnect button. 6. Verify the Dial ISP first to connect to the Internet option is checked.
7. Retry the connection by pressing the Set-Time button in