Setting Status Result Codes
The status result code, found in the Clock Setting log, shows the result of a time setting attempt.

Code Result                                     Description 
0 SETTING_OK                        setting made

1 DATETIME_ERROR              date/time is invalid: date or time invalid.

2 TIMEZONE_ERROR              time zone is missing: Time Zone error.

3 DATEDIFF_ERROR               dates don't match: date match error. ClockWatch will not attempt to reset clocks that are more than one day off.

4 TIMEDIFFMAX_ERROR         time difference was too great, time difference exceeds maximum allowable to make a setting.

5 TIMEDIFFMIN_ERROR           time difference is too small, time difference was too small to make a setting.

9 TIMECONVERSION_ERROR  Error occurred during time conversion. Verify that the server format (Daytime or NIST) is set correctly.

100 SERVER_ERROR                  NIST server not currently available: Internal NIST Server error.

'200' PARSE_ERROR                     parsing return failed: format setting was wrong or time string was corrupt.

Client Log (ClockWatch Server)
ClockWatch Server records all client requests to time synchronization in the Client Log. The Client Log reports on all users (clients) accessing the ClockWatch Server, reporting the IP address, number of accesses and the last time of each of the clients accessed the ClockWatch server. Totals are also shown since the ClockWatch Server was last started. The Client Log file is available in the main ClockWatch program directory, under the name ClientLog.txt.
Sample Client Log:
Client Access Log for beagleNT
Report Run 12/23/98 4:05:31 PM

Client IP       Times   Last
Number Address  Contacted  Contact

1  2  12/23/98 3:18:50 PM
2  3  12/23/98 3:56:11 PM
3  1  12/23/98 3:06:07 PM

3  <-TOTALS-> 6  12/23/98 3:56:11 PM

Trace Log
ClockWatch includes a detailed trace mode that gives detailed information about connection and communication information useful in debugging communication problems. You can run ClockWatch in the trace mode which provides a detailed log to pinpoint problems by simply adding the debug option to the command line when starting ClockWatch. The following steps will run ClockWatch in the trace mode and allow you to view the trace log file, DebugFile.txt.
1.Run ClockWatch in diagnostic mode by running ClockWatch with the
debug option. Usually:
"C:\Program Files\Beagle Software\ClockWatch\ClockWatch.exe" debug
2. Run the problem till the connection fails or problem occurs. Exit ClockWatch.
3. View the diagnostic trace, DebugFile.txt, usually in the main ClockWatch directory:
C:\Program Files\Beagle Software\ClockWatch\DebugFile.txt
4. Check for "ERRORS" or connection problems in the trace.
5. ClockWatch support personnel can provide detailed analysis of the trace.
Sample Trace Log:
02-19 08:31:54 Connecting...
02-19 08:32:00 Connection open
02-19 08:32:01 DataArrived: 50863 98-02-19 14:32:02 00 0 0 50.0 UTC(NIST)*
02-19 08:32:01 Daylight savings time is currently 1 (1 is OFF, 2 is ON)
02-19 08:32:01 Time zone Bias: 360
02-19 08:32:01 DATA ARRIVED Event
02-19 08:32:01 DateTime OK
02-19 08:32:01 System SAYS DST is OFF
02-19 08:32:01 Corrected NIST Time: 02/19/98 08:32:02
02-19 08:32:01 Internal System settings:Local Date:98-02-19 Time: 08:32:01
02-19 08:32:01 3: Dates OK
02-19 08:32:01 Difference is < 2 seconds, ignore accuracy
02-19 08:32:01 Time Difference: 0.000012 days (1.0 seconds)
02-19 08:32:01 5: Timediff < minimum
02-19 08:32:01 Time difference is 1 sec - setting to 0
02-19 08:32:01 ...No Time difference No time set
02-19 08:32:01 DATA ARRIVED DONE
02-19 08:32:01 NIST SETTING DONE at 2/19/98 8:32:01 AM.

Copyright © 2004 Beagle Software. All rights reserved
Last reviewed September 13, 2004