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Timeserver Edit The Edit server screen permits users to add new or edit timeservers in the directory. The screen is accessed by pressing the Add or Edit button on the Directory toolbar. Server Enter the URL or IP address of the timeserver, Location Optional field to identify location of the timeserver, i.e. Protocol Select the time-sync protocol used to communicate with the timeserver. The choices are: NIST Daytime SNTP Time-TCP Time-UDP For more information about these protocols see the Time Sync Protocol Specifications. This form is the main test screen for conducting timeserver communication tests. Test Features
The timeserver test lets you check both the connection and the capability of local or remote timeservers. Compatibility and connection problems can be diagnosed using the built-in 8 point connection test. The timeserver directory contains a list of over 100 timeservers located around the USA and throughout the world. When you are done, the utility can save the timeserver for use by ClockWatch for clock-synchronization. |