Features of the Pro version
ClockWatch Pro is an advanced version of ClockWatch. Registered users are automatically upgraded to the Pro Version when they register their software.  The new Pro version features include:

Previous Settings Graph
Dynamic 3-D graph shows computer time accuracy in a glance. See just how accurate your computer's clock is over time.

Runs Automatically in background
ClockWatch Pro can be configured to run in the background on boot-up.

Runs from the System Tray
Saves valuable taskbar space when minimized.
Call up the main ClockWatch screen by left clicking the system tray icon.
Set clock directly from system tray by double right clicking the system tray icon.

Runs from the Command line
ClockWatch Pro can be included in batch files or run across a network.

6 months technical support

Quick Start
To get ClockWatch up and running  & to do a quick time fix:

  1. Make sure the computer has Internet access.

  2. Start ClockWatch program from:
    Start -> Program Files -> Beagle Software -> ClockWatch.

  3. Press the Set Time button. ClockWatch will use the default Internet settings.

  4. The connection will be made, the time will be checked and the findings will be displayed in the status windows. The internal computer time will be adjusted, if necessary.

Copyright © 2004 Beagle Software. All rights reserved
Last reviewed September 13, 2004