Find the DDE program in the Windows file system. Look under the Program Files section for a start.Do not select shortcuts.
Hint: Use the find utility under the Windows menu if you have trouble locating your browser.
Application Name DDE specific application name. Hint: Often the application name is the same as the executable name without the ".exe" suffix.
Automation Window The automation window shows the type of automation that will be used (DDE or OLE) to control the browser. The automation depends on the supported automation methods for the browser selected and the operating environment.
Test Button Test the browser selected. This will attempt to start the newly selected browser. The browser you were using should stay active after the test.
OK button Saves the new browser type. SlideShow makes the following checks when a new browser has been selected:
Checks that the browser selected is installed and registered in Windows. Unloads the browser currently running. Attempts to start the new browser. Even if the test start of the new browser fails, the new browser settings will be saved when you press 'OK'. Upon restarting SlideShow the new browser will be started.
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