beagle software

Registration Screen (Trial versions)
The Registration Screen shows the current status of your evaluation period and presents registration options. It is displayed whenever the product is under evaluation and not yet registered.
Pro Version
Select this button to find out more about SlideShow Pro. Registered users are automatically upgraded to the Pro Version when they register their software.
Register Now button
Select this button to begin the registration process.
Enter Code button
Once the software is purchased you will be given a unique Key Code to enter to register the software internally. Select this button when you are ready to enter the Key Code.
OK button
Closes the screen and continues to run program.
Quit/Cancel button
This exits the registration process. The quit button, when presented, exits the program.

Enter Key Code Form (Trial versions)
This form receives the entry of the product key code, required to register the software internally. The key code is given to registered users of the software. The key code enables the license for the SlideShow Pro version of the software. 
Key Code Input Field
Enter the code exactly as it was written observing all capitalization and punctuation. Press the <Enter> key or the OK button when done.

Ordering Information Screen (Trial versions)
The Ordering Information Screen describes the various ways to purchase SlideShow software.
Web Site button
This button starts the local web browser to open the Beagle Software order page.
E-Mail button
This button starts the local E-mail portion of the Web browser to request an order form from Beagle Software.
Order Form button
Presents an order form from the help system that can be filled out,  and then mailed, E-mailed or faxed to Beagle Software for software registration.
Returns to the main registration screen.

About Screen

Shows product version and copyright information
OK button
Closes the screen.
System Info