SlideShow User's Guide

Add / Edit Slide Screen
The Edit slide screen permits users to edit and add individual slides. The screen allows for changing the slide document, sound file or the pause time

Enter the URL or complete file name of the document to view. Slides can also be defined by dragging a file from another program into the slide list box.
Tip: If specifying a file resident on the local computer, be sure to use the full path including the drive letter. The browser then knows it's a file: for example: C:\Program Files\Beagle Software\SlideShow\Data\beagle.jpg.

Slide toolbar
  a new slide
View the slide document  in the browser.
Sound file
Enter the file name of the sound file to play. Sounds can also be defined by dragging a file from another program into the slide list box.

Tip: Unlike the slide file name, the sound file name can use a local path relative to the location of the program. For example: Data\welcome.wav.

Sound file toolbar
another sound file
Play the sound file and open the Play/Record screen.

Pause Time
Slide pause time. Enter the time in seconds to display the slide.

Note: The pause time is the time to pause from the beginning of the loading process to the loading of the next slide.

Skip file
Check to skip the slide when playing the show

Press to keep the changes on this slide and return.
Cancels any changes and return to previous screen.