beagle software

individual files then use the Selected Files option. The Selected Files option will let you choose individual files in the directory with the mouse in the File List box.

Note: The All Files option adds slides in order that the files were created, the oldest files are first and the most recently created files last. The Select Files option sorts files alphabetically by file name.
Path - Selected Directory
Shows the directory selected to make a show from. There must be an entry in this field for a show to be made either by clicking on a yellow folder in the directory tree or by manually entering the directory path and name in the field.

The file selection filter determines which files in the selected directory will be shown in the file box. The default filter '*.*' shows all files in the directory.  To select only the web pages in the directory change the filter to '*.htm'. The filter only works when the Selected Files option is selected.

Hint: In addition to using wildcard characters
'*', you can also use multiple patterns separated by semicolons (;). For example,  *.gif;*.jpg  in the filter would return a list of JPEG and GIF image files for a given directory.
File List
The file list gives a listing of all files that have passed through the filter in a directory. These files, when selected, will be included as slides in the slide show. Files selected should be in a format that can be displayed by the browser.
The file list is active only when the
Selected Files option is selected.

  • To select individual files click on the files once with the left mouse button.
  • To select multiple files individually hold down the Cntrl key while pressing the left mouse button.
  • To select a range of files select the top file with the left mouse button then select the bottom file in the range by pressing the Shift key while pressing the left mouse button. This will select the files selected and those in between
  • Selected files are shown in highlight.