Show Title: Enter the page title. This will be the title shown in the web show page. Pause Between Slides: Specify the interval between web pages during the show. Sound: use sound Play sound file with page, if available Audit Runs the web show audit using the current show and the settings selected. For an explanation of the report see the web show Audit Results section that follows. Make Show Press to generate the web show. Generates the two web pages with the names specified in the form. After creating the show a dialog will be displayed confirming the creation of the two HTML files in the directory specified. Test To view the new show in browser press the Test button. This opens a new browser window and loads the start page, the "home page" in the web show. This page contains a button to call the web show page which starts the web show. Cancel Closes the form. Help For on-line help. Audit Results The web show Audit performs a multi-step test on the currently selected show using the settings on the form. It checks the number and types of slides.
Sample Output: File Title: Show08-11-99 ------- Web Show Files -------- Starting Web page name: StrtShow.htm Show Control page name: WebShow.htm Show Control page title: MyTitle Directory to copy web show files from: C:\Program Files\Beagle Software\SlideShow\Data\
------- Slide Information -------- Files with local paths (potential access prob