Benefits Easy to use
It's easy to make a show from images, web pages or HTML documents. Uses the browser you already have and know how to use. Shows can be any kind of file or format supported by browser. Shows can be created and saved for future showings. Sound files use computer's sound card. Sound files can be played and recorded on the fly. Use your favorite tools to create slide content.
Multiple presentation options
Full screen mode Full screen images are great for presentations or displaying web pages Continuous play Play slides in a continuous loop. Auto re-load Reloads and refreshes the same web page at defined interval. Random play Plays slides in random order Auto Start Start SlideShow automatically from the command line for hands free operation.
Making Shows
Shows are made up of a collection of slides. Slides consist of a reference to image, URL or text. Slides can also have an accompanying sound file. Slides can be added, edited, skipped or deleted from shows anytime. Multiple shows can run concurrently in different browser windows. Add slides singly or make show from directory of existing