beagle software

Save the current show to file.
      Save As
File - Save the current show to a file name selected in the "Save As" file dialog.
Web Show - Opens the Make Web Show screen, used to create a web show from the current collection.
       Import and Export
Import Bookmarks Select and import an existing bookmark file to use as a basis for a new slide show.
Export Bookmarks Export the current show as a bookmark file to be opened and used in a web browser .
Exit the current window, if the last window, exit the application. Prompts user to save changes to the show or changes to the settings, if either have been altered during the session.
Wizard Menu
Calls up the Wizard Start screen containing the new show wizard and recent show list. On the Recent tab you can select an existing show. Starting the new show wizard guides you through creating a new locally-based or web-based show.
Slide Menu
Single slide commands. View or edit individual slides in a show.
Select a new slide document.
Pick any file type supported by the browser.

Edit the existing slide by opening the slide edit screen.

View Menu
Display options for the main screen and browser.

Sections with a check are displayed in the main screen; unchecked sections are hidden.

Hide the menus on the main screen.
Display/hide the Control section on the main screen.