ClockCard PCI Pro
- PCI ClockCard
- ClockWatch Pro Software
Keeps computer set with time from real
time clock and/or external timeserver. Full featured, multi-level time
synchronization solution. Model: CCPCINT |
ClockCard PCI Sentry
- PCI ClockCard
- ClockWatch Sentry Software
Keeps computer set with time from real
time clock and/or external timeserver and keeps it set. Clock
locking prevents unauthorized users changing the date or time. Model:
ClockCard PCI Server
- PCI ClockCard
- ClockWatch Server Software
Keeps computer set with time from real
time clock and/or external timeserver. Can act as a timeserver for
clients on a network. Runs as an application or as a service. Model
Star Card
- PCI ClockCard
- GPS Receiver
- ClockWatch Star Sync Software
Keeps computer set with time from GPS.
Keep accurate time on real time clock between settings or when GPS is
unavailable. Can act as a timeserver for clients on a network. Runs as
an application or as a service. Ideal for remote or highly secure
networks. Model CCPCIGPS |
ClockCard ISA Pro
- ISA ClockCard
- ClockWatch Pro Software
Keeps computer set with time from real
time clock and/or external timeserver. Full featured, multi-level time
synchronization solution. Model CC98 |
ClockCard ISA Server
- ISA ClockCard
- ClockWatch Server Software
Keeps computer set with time from real
time clock and/or external timeserver. Can act as a timeserver for
clients on a network. Runs as an application or as a service. Model