Importing and Exporting Bookmarks in SlideShow

SlideShow can import a bookmark file generated by Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator to be used in creating a new slide show.  When importing bookmarks, SlideShow reads the file and makes each link in the bookmark file a separate slide. Individual slides can then be edited to add sound, change pause time, or change the overall order of slides in a show.

Exporting a show to a bookmark file lets you translate a slide show for use as a list of bookmarks in Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer. When exported, each slide will appear as a link in the bookmark file.

To export a show to bookmark file in SlideShow:

Choose File->Import and Export->Export bookmarks

Pick a directory and a name for the bookmark file.

SlideShow will create a bookmark file from the existing slide show creating a link for each slide in the show.

To import a bookmark file into SlideShow:

Choose File->Import and Export->Import bookmarks.

Find the bookmark file to import.

SlideShow will create a new show, creating a new slide from each link  in the bookmark file.


To save a bookmark file in Internet Explorer (version 5 and above):

File -> Import and Export…  

Starts the Import/Export Wizard.

Import/Export Selection.

Pick Export Favorites. 

Export Favorites Source Folder.

Pick the folder where the favorites are located.

Export to a File or Address.  

Specify the file name.


Bookmarks in Netscape Navigator

Netscape Navigator automatically saves bookmarks in a file, bookmark.htm, located in the Users profile directory off the Netscape program directory.

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Last reviewed March 19, 2008