SlideShow Surf Show Posting Board

Attached are some Surf Shows that other SlideShow users have sent to us. To get your show posted, E-mail it to [email protected].
Include a show title and your name if you like.

Title: Odds n' Ends

Author: Modus T.
Date Posted:  1/14/99


To copy a show above to run on your computer:

  1. Select the lines of show with mouse, highlight and copy.
  2. Open Notepad.
  3. Paste in show code.
  4. Save show as <title>.txt where <title> is whatever you want to call it.
  5. Start SlideShow.
  6. Open show from File->Open, select the file just created.
  7. Run the show.
  8. Enjoy!


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Last reviewed March 19, 2008