About Broadband Monitor

Broadband check utility. Copyright(c) 2004-2015 Beagle Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Do not copy or distribute without written permission.


About Beagle Software

Beagle Software provides time keeping solutions to a wide variety of clientele, including the U.S. Government, Intel, Microsoft, Boeing, and many other Fortune 500 companies (view our partial customer list). Founded in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1997, Beagle Software specializes in PC clock synchronization and time standardization on the Microsoft Windows platform.

Our premier product is ClockWatch, which derives exact time from the atomic clock, the world's most accurate time keeper. In addition to Internet connectivity, we’ve added GPS (Star Sync), WWVB (Radio Sync), and CDMA (Cell Sync) connectivity to our ClockWatch product.


Our DocuClock time stamper grew out of customer demand for a product that complies with the National Association of Securities Dealer's Order Audit Trail System (OATS) requirements for a verifiable date/time stamp. The DocuClock product line has been serving stock traders in the United States and Canada since 2000, and has won praise for its reliability and ease of use.

We are always interested in hearing your comments or questions. Please email or call us to discuss your specific application today.

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Copyright © 2015 Beagle Software. All rights reserved
Last reviewed March 5, 2015