Mouse Problems

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Star Sync GPS Troubleshooting

Mouse Problems


Some Windows 2000/XP/2003 users have reported that if a GPS is plugged in to a serial port while Windows is booting, the mouse will jump all over the screen after Windows starts.


Star Sync relies on NMEA data coming from the GPS receiver. If this serial data is present at your com port when Windows starts Windows mistakenly recognizes this data  as coming from a serial mouse  and installs a driver for it.  The raw data coming from the GPS then simulates a crazed mouse.

The following steps should cure the problem. 


1. Boot the computer with the GPS receiver attached.
The cursor will be jumping around and all sorts of unwanted stuff will be happening.

2. Disconnect the power from the GPS. The computer will settle down.

3. Open the Device Manager in the Windows Control Panel by selecting
    Control Panel -> System -> Hardware -> Device Manager.

4. Click on the "+" next to Mice and other pointing devices.

5. Click on "Microsoft Serial Mouse" or "Microsoft Serial Ball Point" -
    This is what Windows thinks that your GPS receiver is.

Note: If you happen to also be using an actual serial mouse on your computer, verify that the COM port listed is the same used for the Star Sync GPS receiver.

6. Choose "Do not use this device (disable) " under "Device Usage" or
    Select "Actions" and then "disable".

7. Click "OK" to close each window

8. Reboot the computer with the GPS power attached. All should be well.

The next time you boot the computer, the serial mouse on that COM port will be disabled.
If you boot the machine without the GPS attached, it shouldn't list the disabled device.

more troubleshooting

For more information

Star Sync Product Information:
  Advanced Features
  Star Sync GPS Receiver
    Installation Information - Installation Video
    Antenna Mounting Options
  Frequently Asked Questions about GPS

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Copyright © 2007 Beagle Software. All rights reserved
Last reviewed March 19, 2008